Psychopédagogie dans l’éducation médicale du patient

janvier 8, 2018|ESTUDIANTINE|0 Comments

Auteurs: Corina Dondas, Theodor-Florin Pantilimonescu

Abstract: The process of medical education represents a series of techniques through which the employees in the medical field help both patients and their families to aquire different abilities that will allow them to overcome the difficulties caused by thier disease. This way, it can be increased the patient’s compliance to the treatment they receive, this way they can be able to assume a certain degree of responsability for their care. There are numerous educational programs that will help doctors aquire pedagogic abilities while patients will be able to develop certain therapeutic skills. UMF Iași has organized courses for doctors on medical education but they also offer an optional course on « Patient’s therapeutic education » during which the participants learn how to accompany pacients in pursuing their treatment plan while also learning how to evaluate the difficulties they encounter or the progress they achive. The ability to relate and empathize with the person who desires to be treated can be learned or improved and the manner in which the patient learns from the doctor different aspects about their disease or the way it can be treated can be extremely important for their well-being.

Keywords: therapeutic education, medical education, pedagogy, medical pedagogy


La médecine est à la fois une profession noble et un domaine qui a besoin de formation éducationnelle continue, cette habileté étant plus facilement à acquérir dès la vie d’étudiant.

On considère l’éducation thérapeutique du patient un élément important pour un soin de […]

L’importance de la conscience de soi pour les étudiants en médecine: une double vue

décembre 28, 2016|ESTUDIANTINE|0 Comments

Auteurs: Ioana Monica Ciolan, Bogdan Dumitru Agavriloaei

Abstract: For medical students, the level of difficulty of the educational process is higher compared to other areas due to the number of academic years, the high volume of information, the complexity of the domain and the loaded program. In addition to the theoretical knowledge acquired, future physicians must develop a range of skills that contribute to both short-term and long-term educational performance: organizational skills, time management, analytical reasoning, distributive attention, etc. In the last period, there is an interest on the development of psycho-emotional management skills such as self-awareness, which can influence the student’s behaviour and the attitude of the future physician. This article aims to review the main short and long-term benefits of developing self-awareness, the practical ways in which it can be developed and the potential difficulties encountered in the process. Also, this article will present the experience of a student who consciously wanted to develop this self-awareness during the last year.

Key words: self-awareness, medical students, counselling, performance.



Les personnes qui désirent réussir à exercer leur activité dans le domaine médical doivent parcourir un processus éducationnel de longue durée, lors duquel elles acquièrent une série de connaissances théoriques et certaines habiletés pratiques. Même si le choix d’une spécialité d’internat représente un moment important qui détermine le parcours professionnel du futur médecin, pendant la vie d’étudiant on met les bases de la future carrière médicale.

L’expérience didactique, pratique et sociale détermine la manière dont le futur médecin s’occupera […]

Les méthodes de séquençage de « nouvelle génération » (NGS) et leur impact sur l’évolution du cancer broncho-pulmonaire non à petites cellules

décembre 27, 2016|ESTUDIANTINE|0 Comments

Auteurs: Dragos Spinu, étudiant; Diana Lefter, étudiante


Abstract: At a global level, lung cancer ranks first as far as frequency, costs and mortality are concerned. This study aims to research possible correlations between the evolution and characteristics of no small-cell lung cancer and genetic mutations. The method used is next-generation sequencing to identify gene mutations. A difference of 4 to 5 months in the PFS average value of patients with low genomic instability was found. Though a cost-effectiveness analysis should be considered, the NGS techniques for early evaluation have an exceptional potential in the given context.

Keywords: Bronhopulmonary, cancer, NGS, genomic instability, small cell


Le cancer broncho-pulmonaire représente le plus important cancer humain en matière de fréquence, coûts et mortalité dans le monde. Le type histologique le plus courant de cancer du poumon est le cancer du poumon non à petites cellules (85 – 90%). Bien que la plupart des cas soient liés au tabagisme, durant la dernière décennie, on a observé une augmentation de l’incidence  du cancer broncho-pulmonaire chez les non-fumeurs. Ces données suggèrent qu’il existe une prédisposition génétique. Grâce à la technique génétique, les changements moléculaires du cancer et des lésions pré-néoplasiques ont été amplement analysés.

Par le séquençage à haut débit de l’ADN, les techniques Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) permettent la recherche des mutations dans les gènes, par le biais d’échantillons  des gènes cibles. L’utilisation de NGS chez les patients avec cancer broncho-pulmonaire offre la possibilité d’interroger rapidement les mutations connues et importantes. Dans ce contexte, […]